Sunday, April 17, 2011

First Go

I ran the "Warrior Dash" with my wife today (in Roanoke) and it was the most exciting thing I've done in months.  I'm glad she made me do it.

I was amazed to see all the people running it were normal.  Not crazy athlete types, just normal round Americans getting out and actually paying to run.  It gives me hope.

Just watched the preview for "Battlefield 3", a video game coming out soon.  As a 29 year old veteran of Iraq, and from someone gearing up to go to Afghanistan, it still gets me excited to see a new great shooter coming out. Chalk that up to the Enginerd counter.

Saw a trailer today for the upcoming "Atlas Shrugged, Part 1".  The clips made it seem like the movie was about a mysterious train wreck.  I think Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave, but I'm glad that a movie about Objectivism is coming out during all these great political debates on socialism in our government. 

That makes me sound like a literary snob, but I barley pashed Engrish I.  Im just a nerd.

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